Alignment, Medical Record Documents, StorageAbstract
One of the Medical Record Units that supports medical record services is called a filing room where medical record documents both outpatient, inpatient and emergency are stored according to the system, namely centralization and decentralization. The implementation of the storage of medical record documents is guided by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the storage and alignment of medical record documents. However, in its implementation, there are still misfile errors and double numbers. The purpose of this study is to determine the policies, systems and implementation of the storage of medical record documents both outpatient, inpatient, and emergency at the Sawahan Orphanage Hospital. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach in the Medical Record Installation Room of Panti Waluya Sawahan Hospital Malang. The results of this study in the implementation of activities for storing and aligning medical record documents at Panti Waluya Sawahan Hospital were running according to existing SOPs, but in its implementation there were still errors in the storage of medical record documents (misfiles) and double numbering caused by most patients who visited for treatment using Chinese names and when re-checking using Javanese names.
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