electronic operation report, information system, hospitalAbstract
Operational form reports which were recorded manually, of course, the results were less effective in terms of saving time and costs. The used of electronic operating reports provides convenience in terms of operation. Digital archiving to a computer makes it easier in terms of data management and distribution. The purpose of this study was to recommend for the Kediri District General Hospital (RSKK) by designing an electronic operation report design by strengthening the interface design, color and input. This study used observation and interviews with two medical record officers. The results of this study were the use of the operating report form in RSKK the recording was still done manually. Then the researchers designed an interface design that was tailored to the wishes of the officers who emphasized the basic color of gray, a simple layout and easy input methods. It can be concluded that it has resulted in the design of an electronic operation report form design that was integrated in the operating report system. This study has suggested implementing the use of an electronic operating reporting system that makes it easier for officers to operate it in the RSKK environment.
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